Simposio Day 1
Friday, March 4, 2022
6:00 pm_9:00 pm
(taxes and fees included)PROGRAMME THURSDAY 3RD @ CASA SEAT
18h | OPENING | Are we conscious of the importance of Science and Technology for a 'Future without Gender'?
Welcome and presentation of the research framework of the 3rd MUTEK ES Symposium.
18:10h | PANEL | ‘Algorithmic Justice in a Gender Key'.
Focused on making visible how many of the technological advances, although they may seem objective and neutral, are not, and that it is therefore very important to focus on the need to have a framework and a debate on how artificial intelligence can contribute positively or negatively, in that future if gender, depending on whether AI systems reproduce - or not - the gender gaps that exist in the real world, contribute to perpetuate prejudices, the spread of stereotypes, and validate existing structural discriminations.
Ludovic AssematFR- Head of Arts de British Council en España, Director de #WeAreEquals
Linda CooganIE - Founder of Why Not Her? | Consultora y publicista musical | Especialista en diversidad e inclusión | Campañas de igualdad | Conductora de podcasts | Escritora y artista independiente
Lorenzo PorcaroIT- Investigador y docente en Music Technology Group de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (MTG/UPF) de Barcelona
19:05h | Presentation | Moonai
Laura-June Clarke BE/UK Co-founder and Business Director of Moonai will explain the science behind the app, showing us the impact sound design has on neuroscience and how personalisation and technology can help women's health during their periods.
19:25h | Presentation | Linda O'Keeffe presents WISWOS
Linda O'KeeffeUK Director of the organisation Women in Sound Women on Sound (WISWOS), will explain how through different projects (events, workshops, publications...) they make visible women working in the multiple areas of sound, from music technology to sound art, sound and society, sound politics and all areas in between.
20:00h | Presentation | Efe Ce Ele: ‘Taxonomy, Gender and Technological Art'
Efe Ce Ele (Feli Cabrera López), is a Colombian-born musician, producer and transmedia artist, focused on the possible interactions between body, sound, image and technology.
In this talk she will connect different worlds between electronic arts, bioart, biopower and post-structural studies, putting in dialogue biology, technology, transmedia art and music, to reflect on how the nomenclature and biological description generates often inflexible categories, which taken to people, condition the existence and development of subjects.
20:30h | Efe Ce Ele presents ‘Bio-Synthesis’
To complement her talk, Efe Ce Ele will give a live transmedia performance using microbiological and digital resources to generate audiovisual environments.
Efe Ce Ele is part of the Amplify D.A.I programme, an initiative of the British Council, Somerset House Studios and MUTEK that connects a network of women artists and curators working in the digital arts, providing international visibility.
Simposio day 2
Ludovic AssématFR
British Council en EspañaSimposio Day 1
04 Mar
Pat Quinteiroes
MUTEK ES | Shesaidso.spainSimposio Day 1
04 Mar
Lorenzo Porcaroit
MTG/UPFSimposio Day 1
04 Mar
Linda Cooganie
Simposio Day 1
04 Mar
Linda O'KeeffeUK
Simposio Day 1
04 Mar
Laura-June Clarkebe + UK
Simposio Day 1
04 Mar
Efe Ce Eleco
Simposio Day 1
04 Mar
Friday, March 4, 2022
6:00 pm_9:00 pm