One more year MUTEK Barcelona and Movistar join forces in their passion for digital creativity, creating synergies and unique experiences around the audiovisual content of the festival. On this occasion, MUTEK, will program installations and talks during the days leading up to the festival in three of Movistar's main stores in Barcelona presenting one of the most cutting-edge robotic-futurist shows on the current scene. We are talking about the project of Sonic Robots.
Sonic Robots will present his installation "Soft Manipulator"; a playful interactive installation where the audience experiences rhythms, mechanics and objects on March 5 in the Movistar store of Diagonal 570 and on March 6 at the Gran de Gracia (139) store.
Soft Manipulator, is composed of seven robotic mechanical devices that can be manipulated interactively by the public, manipulating the sound of objects. Robotic mechanical devices strike objects, creating a constantly changing polyrhythmic network of sound and rhythm.
These two appointments will serve as a preview for what will happen on Wednesday, March 7 at the Mobile World Center in Plaza Catalunya. Coinciding with the official opening of the 9th edition of the Festival, Sonic Robots will present its interactive installation MR-808, a large robotic rhythm box programmed live by the spectators, which can be visited free of charge until Friday, March 9 ( included).
In this installation, the programming of the robot by the public is a collaborative process in which the viewer can stand in front of the robot and see where sounds emerge and interact with them by accessing musical structures through the interfaces of different devices . All this is recorded as a great concert generated from the experiences of the users.
Video + Info about the operation here
If you want to attend the Sonic Robots presentations, take note: for the shows in the Movistar stores of Diagonal 570 and Gran de Gracia (139), the entrance is free but the capacity is very limited, you can pick up your invitation in the same stores from today and make sure you get one of the 50 spots available and also take a gift tote bag from the festival. To attend the show on March 7 at the Mobile World Center in Plaza Catalunya, sign up here.
5/03 - Sonic Robots, Soft Manipulator *
>> 7:00 pm at Diagonal 570 store
>> Free / very limited capacity. Collection of invitations in the same store.
6/03 - Sonic Robots, Soft Manipulator *
>> 19:00hs in the Gran de Gracia (139) store
>> Free / very limited capacity. Collection of invitations in the same store.
7/03 - Inauguration of the festival: installation MR-808 + press conference with artist and festival directors *
>> 18:00hs on the first floor of the Mobile World Center (Plaza Catalunya)
>> Free / very limited capacity. Sign up here
7/03 - 9/03 Permanent installation (MR-808)
>> First floor of the Mobile World Center. Visits from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
* Courtesy welcome beer at each event by ESTRELLA DAMM
More info:
● Website:
● Twitter: @SonicRobots
● Facebook: @sonicrobots
Press Contact:
MUTEK ES Agenda 2025

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