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Flo Pasqualiar

Flo Pasquali<sup>ar</sup>
Flo Pasqualiar

Flo Pasquali is a visual artist from Buenos Aires. Her work encompasses video art, VJing, video mapping, and installation art. In her work, she explores the behavior of light and color, as well as their perception, through the combination of analog techniques and digital processing.

Her experimental short film "Cuando no sé a dónde ir me siento nostálgica" participated in festivals in Athens, Barcelona, and Argentina. Her work as a VJ since 2017 has led her to perform at festivals like Lollapalooza Argentina, Quilmes Rock, and Buena Vibra, as well as venues like Artlab (Dialog and Soundscape cycles), Tecnópolis (Juana Azurduy stage, Laboratory of Electronic Arts), Luna Park Stadium, CC Konex, Niceto Club, Dune Park, CCEBA, and various cycles including Definiendo, Reflejos, Videonic@, Luminiscencias, and Teorema. She has also designed installations for CC Matienzo, Espacio Barth, CC Otra Historia, and the Ágora cycle.

Throughout her career, she has collaborated with artists from the experimental electronic scene such as Pablo Reche, Qoa, Collatio, Vic Bang, Aili, Efeceele, Eric Olsen, Desglose, Sophos, Desglose, Cloz, Arseny, as well as pop artists like Bandalos Chinos, Tweety González, Six Sex, Coghlan, Defensa, Furio, Mag, 1915, Hembro, Pupa, Crewrod, Tuten Mapu, and Malena Villa.