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Jeremy Shaw embarked on his artistic journey in 1997, exploring various paths and deviating along the way. Today, he is known for his reinterpretation and recreation of the post-punk sound of the 80s, which is reflected in his exceptional record releases, affiliations with notable labels, and collaborations with music groups. One of the highlights of his career is his association with Output Recordings, an English label led by the visionary neo-disco advocate Trevor Jackson. This collaboration played a significant role in reevaluating the diverse soundscapes that emerged during the 80s, encompassing elements of pop and new wave. In 1999, Shaw released his first EP on Output Recordings titled "The Distance After," which showcased his adeptness at blending the atmospheric textures of shoegaze with what would later be recognized as IDM (Intelligent Dance Music). However, it took several years for Shaw to gain the recognition and attention he enjoys today within the thriving synth-pop scene.

His most recent album, "Pre-Earthquake Anthem," recorded in 2004, further solidifies his position as a pioneer of Canadian electro-pop. The album foreshadowed a sonic landscape that now saturates the void of human emotions left by the clinical austerity of techno. Shaw, like other artists on the same label such as Colder and Circlesquare, crafts songs that explore dark atmospheres and melodies common to city dwellers. His lyrics delve into nocturnal themes, while his prodigious digital arsenal manipulates textures and layers of noise, transforming them into urban whispers that evoke haunting emotions. Shaw's spectral compositions exhibit exceptional vocal and dramatic refinement, complemented by his performances with a live band. Undoubtedly, Jeremy Shaw is one of those rare projects that have been meticulously crafted, waiting for the perfect moment to settle into their poetic essence, precisely when they are meant to be.

Jeremy Shaw ha recorrido desde 1997 un camino lleno de lugares de paso y desviaciones, hasta llegar al día de hoy, cuando una nueva valoración y recreación del sonido post punk de los 80 hace eco mediante exquisitas propuestas discográficas, sellos y grupos. Entre los que destacan se encuentra el de éste productor de Vancouver, consentido de la disquera inglesa Output Recordings, dirigida por el visionario ideólogo neo-disco Trevor Jackson, responsable en parte de esta revaloración del sonido polimorfo generado en esa década, colateral al pop y al new wave. Su primer EP en ese sello, The Distance After editado en 99, desplegaba las atmósferas y texturas del shoegaze en diálogo con lo que luego calificarían como IDM. Sin embargo, pasaron varios años para que Shaw logrará alcanzar la visibilidad y la atención que hoy despierta dentro de esta creciente escena enganchada con el synth-pop, y no hace mucho que su más reciente álbum encabeza la promesa de gran parte de la avanzada electro-pop canadiense; Pre-Earthquake Anthem grabado en 2004, cinco años después de su primer 12”, donde se anticipaba a un sonido que hoy inunda con sus ecos el vacío de humanidad dejado por la frialdad instrumental del tecno. Al igual que grupos de ese mismo sello como Colder, Circlesquare canta historias, aprovecha el ensimismamiento individual para crear oscuras atmósferas y melodías comunes a todos los que deambulamos en el asfalto de una megalópolis. Lírica noctámbula tratada con el prodigioso arsenal digital de texturas, capas de ruido transformadas en susurros urbanos, en sentimientos que acechan como fantasmas. Canciones espectrales de un refinamiento vocal y dramático excepcional que se hace acompañar de una banda en vivo. Sin duda uno de esos pocos proyectos que se amasan, esperan su momento para asentar sus poéticas no antes ni después, sino justo en el momento en que deben.


Output Recordings