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Soft Circuit BabeMX

Soft Circuit Babe<sup>MX</sup>
Soft Circuit BabeMX

Sonic artist and researcher, focused on the elaboration of handmade analog sound instruments and devices, collective sound experimentation, the investigation of pre-American technologies and more recently on coded audio programming.

Throughout her exploration, she has taken workshops with artists such as Anni Garza Lau, Alan Rabchinsky, Arcángel Constantini, Constanza Piña, Michel Soto, Rodrigo Frenk, and Yann Leguay. One of her main inspirations to provoke collective sound experimentation is the text Sonic Meditations by Pauline Oliveros with which she has carried out several practices of her sound exercises and is currently preparing a meeting in the Xitle crater to carry out and document the setting in practice of some exercises of Sonic Meditations.

This year, she produced the first volume of her podcast: Pre-American Technologies, focused on Andean quipus, and she is currently preparing the second volume, dedicated to Nepohualtzintzin. She gave her live tutorial: How to build your own theremin and (almost) everything you need to know to do it, at La Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado in May 2019.

She was selected to teach a workshop at the Cyborgrrrls meetup in March 2020. She has given the workshop: Just About Everything You Need to Code Audio and Build Synths on several occasions. In addition to the fact that she participated in the 3.0 edition of the HelloWorld Festival with an audiovisual piece and gave the workshop El ruido y tú: Elementos del internet para experimentar(te).


Sonic artist and researcher Carola Gomez aka Soft Circuit Babe.