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Ana FreireES

Ana Freire<sup>ES</sup>
Ana FreireES

Ana Freire, Engineer and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Coruña. Director of the Academic Area of ​​Technology at School of Management UPF Barcelona. She has collaborated internationally with renowned centers such as Yahoo Labs, the University of Glasgow or the National Research Center of Italy. He has extensive experience in Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval and Social Network Analysis. Since 2017, she has led the STOP project (Suicide prevenTion in sOcial Platforms), which uses Artificial Intelligence to study mental problems such as suicidal tendencies or eating disorders on social networks. She has contributed with more than 40 scientific publications, several patents and accumulates numerous national and international recognitions. She was included by Business Insider in the list of the 23 young spanish called to lead the technological revolution. She also received the award for Young Female Scientific Talent from the Royal Academy of Sciences Foundation and Mastercard, and the Young Ada Byron award from the University of Deusto and the Ada Byron award from the Professional College of Computer Engineering of Galicia.

Ana is a great disseminator and promoter of science and technology among the youngest, leading several initiatives to bridge the gender gap in technical careers, including the Wisibilízalas international contest, in which more than 3,700 young people from Spain and Latin America have participated.

Wisibilízalas (wisibilí is an international contest aimed at primary and secondary schools with the aim of breaking gender stereotypes in STEM. Participating groups are to create a web page containing profiles of current women professionals in STEM. In its first five editions, more than 3,700 students from 5 countries have participated, creating more than 1,200 women's web pages that can also be references for future generations. Wisibilízalas not only breaks stereotypes, but also promotes the use of technology and digital skills, encourages teamwork, improves research capacity and creativity.

PANEL: Social progress and technology: challenges of the present to ensure diverse and inclusive technological environments in the future.